Predator Vs. Prey - Jules Acosta ‘24
The message of this piece is that all organisms are, at the end of the day, composed of the same building blocks as each other. So, I created a diptych of me, as the hunter, and a rabbit, both surrounded by their muscle and veinous tissues. Both types of tissue appear incredibly similar, yet they are not the same. If so, then the only thing separating them, making one inferior to the other is our consciousness as human beings— the awareness that we are, in fact, both flesh and blood.
envy - Gabriella Escobar ‘26
I decided to write this poem about the feeling of envy, which, in some cases, can turn to fantasies of violence to be like someone. I believe that envy and jealousy are two very closely knit sisters. Envy can harm someone's way of thinking about themselves and the people around them. Envy is a parasite.
do you remember
when i called you the
poison ivy of the forest?
where your vines
echoed through the trees
and twisted into bark,
the light flaking off like
dust onto your tainted
leaves, and
all i ever wanted was
to sting like you did,
beautiful and green
and knitted between
the cracks, all i could
do was itch myself
of a rash that bled
blue because the air
could not sing to it
in time.
i wanted you to feel
the itching of the gray skies,
i wanted to cut your head off
until the snakes heaped on,
hissed it into their grave,
pitless eyes so leaden that they turned
everything you saw and loved to
i wanted to be you and have you dead,
with everything and nothing at all.
i wanted to be your golden nails
shrouded in silk, to rip them
out of the cuticles until the tips
of your fingers were unrecognizable.